Before we get going with discussing the various pitfalls and issues of trusted SOA (and SOA in general), I would like to 'set the scene' by stressing the positive side:
SOA can be a great step in the right direction if it is properly managed and if it is sold to decision makers in comparison to the current state if IT integration, agility, reuse, and alignment with business processes. Even if the benefits maybe cannot be attributed to the fact that SOA (e.g. using web services) was used, the fact that IT integration is done in a structured way is invaluable. There are SOA 'success stories' all over on the web, but most of them really do not leverage the idea of SOA - they are simply success stories about productivity gains through systems integration. But it is the result that matters.
Our particular focus is on how to use SOA to build and maintain agile IT systems in a secure way. This is why the blog is called "Trusted SOA". We believe that one of the main show-stoppers for SOA is the lack of (information and software) assurance, and we want to raise awareness of the issues and potential solutions.
In this blog, we try to be as vendor independent and hype neutral as possible. So if you have any issues or feel inappropriately represented, then please contact us.
And comments are of course welcome - we will weave them into the main blog if you like.